简介:Teenager Mick discovers a swelling on his testicle. He can't tell his Dad about it - he died 7 years ago. His Mum has a million other things on her plate. He can't tell his mates. What can he do about it?
Teenager Mick discovers a swelling on his testicle. He can't tell his Dad about it - he died 7 years ago. His Mum has a million other things on her plate. He can't tell his mates. What can he do about it?展开
1.9 亚历山大衰到家:公路旅行(台)/亚历山大和他最糟糕的公路之旅/亚历山大和他最糟糕的一天/Alexander and the Terrible/ Horrible/ No Good/ Very Bad Day/亚历山大和他最糟糕的旅程/Alexander/and/the/Terrible/ Horrible/ No Good/ Very Bad Road Trip/