简介: The Legend of Vox Machina is an adult animated fantasy-adventure series that follows Vox Machina, a band of misfits with a fondness for boozing and brawling. In a desperate attempt to pay off their mounting bar tab, these unlikely heroes end up on a que
The Legend of Vox Machina is an adult animated fantasy-adventure series that follows Vox Machina, a band of misfits with a fondness for boozing and brawling. In a desperate attempt to pay off their mounting bar tab, these unlikely heroes end up on a que展开
2.0 我独自升级:暗影崛起/我独自升级/第二季/-Arise/from/the/Shadow-/나 혼자만 레벨업 Season 2/Solo Leveling Season 2/Solo Leveling: Arise From the Shadow/我独自升级/第二季/俺だけレベルアップな件Season/2/-Arise/from/the/Shadow-/