简介:On the very first Sunday after Harmony and Hope's installation at Calvary, the Greenleaf family's united front shatters. Grace attempts to lead the church's loyalties gently back toward the Greenleafs, but a call from Noah brings a long-kept secret of Grace's to light, the revelation of which could destroy the Greenleafs' hold on the church more completely than anything that's ever been revealed before.
On the very first Sunday after Harmony and Hope's installation at Calvary, the Greenleaf family's united front shatters. Grace attempts to lead the church's loyalties gently back toward the Greenleafs, but a call from Noah brings a long-kept secret of Grace's to light, the revelation of which could destroy the Greenleafs' hold on the church more completely than anything that's ever been revealed before.展开
2.7 คุณพี่เจ้าขาดิฉันเป็นห่านมิใช่หงส์/Khun Phi Jao Kha... Dichan Pen Han Mi Chai Hong/Good Heavens! I’m a Goose not a Swan/我非天鹅/兄长/我是鹅不是天鹅/คุณพี่เจ้าขา...ดิฉันเป็นห่านมิใช่หงส์/