简介:Just as Buffy was intended to capture a mingtian6.com sense of the suburban oppression experienced by many teens, Angel depicted the feelings of loneliness, danger and callousness often attributed to the urban Los Angeles megalopolis. The divisions between the ordered world of the day and the chaotic world of the night have been trademark themes of noir and by depicting a protagonist who literally has no daytime life, the series was able to explore these same themes in more dramatic metaphorical ways.
3.2 Last Meal Universe/Last Meal Universe The Series/世界变成太空高速公路之前的最后一餐/最后一餐宇宙/อาหารมื้อสุดท้ายก่อนโลกกลายเป็นทางด่วนอวกาศ/末世佳肴/อาหารมื้อสุดท้ายก่อนโลกกลายเป็นทางด่วนอวกาศ/